Fairmont Medical Building
Phone: (604) 872-2662 ext 1 746 West Broadway Map & Directions
Clinic Hours
Mon – Fri: 9:00am – 6:00pm Saturday: 9:00am – 4:00pm Sunday & Holidays: Closed
In-Person, Online & Phone

Post-Operative Care

Post-surgery, you may experience abdominal discomfort as your body adjusts to having had surgery. Your abdomen is swollen and will return to normal over the next few weeks. If you are experiencing pain, this should resolve over the following weeks.

Stoma changes

As time progresses, your stoma will get smaller and change shape; this is normal and occurs for the first 6-8 weeks. Restarting activity is essential but start slowly. We recommend walking and adjusting to your new ostomy in the first couple of weeks. Please do not do any lifting. Lifting includes children, dogs, cats, laundry, items such as a 2L milk jug, grocery bags, and even lawn mowing or shoveling snow.

If you notice changes in your body shape, experience leakage, or have questions, make an appointment to see your ostomy nurse.


  • Post-surgery, on discharge from the hospital: Within the first two weeks, followed by the discretion of the ostomy nurse as it will depend on how well you are managing and whether you are experiencing any challenges.

  • Established Ostomy: Every 6-12 months

Post-Operative Exercises

Do's and Don'ts of Living with an Ostomy

  • Do start walking and moving post-surgery.
  • Do start living your life.
  • Do wear the clothes you wore before surgery; they will not constrict the stoma.
  • Do eat and follow any dietary suggestions provided by the dietitian.
  • Do go back to work when you feel able.
  • Do tell those people you want to that you have an ostomy – no need to tell anyone if you don't want to.
  • Do be intimate when you are ready.

  • Do NOT lift more than 5lbs in the first 3 months post-surgery.
  • Do NOT patch a leaking ostomy.
  • DON'T play certain contact sports, e.g., goalie for soccer; ask your ostomy nurse for guidance.